West Africa Travel Guide

This blog is a free resource filled with information that we have gathered from living and traveling in West Africa. We’d love to have you on one of our trips but from one traveler to another, we are just happy to see people visiting the region.

The blog is also a reflection of our travel philosophy. It’s possible to have quite the adventure in West Africa, but we are a bit tired of reading travelogues that make it seem like walking down the street in any West African city is a death defying experience. We’d like that to think that the advice provided in these pages will help you discover West Africa on its own terms. And we hope that the stories we share offer real insight — something much more than a dramatic monologue designed for clicks and follows.

If you would like to contribute, please get in touch with us on the contact page. For more stories from the road, follow us on Instagram, Youtube and Twitter.

COVID Travel Restrictions in West Africa in 2023

COVID Travel Restrictions in West Africa in 2023

As we find ourselves nearly half way through 2023, most of the world has lost its appetite for pandemic related border closures and travel restrictions. We are supportive of public health measures that save lives, but it is a huge relief to us that we can once again...

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Climbing the Volcano on Fogo, Cape Verde

Climbing the Volcano on Fogo, Cape Verde

On our first night sleeping in the caldera of Pico do Fogo, a meteor shower exploded across the sky. After realizing that we were not in fact under rocket attack, we basked in awe. It was as if we were wearing 3D glasses and the universe obliged with the only show...

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Hitting the Ghana Festival Circuit

Hitting the Ghana Festival Circuit

In the context of West Africa and the ongoing unrest in the Sahel, which we are deeply familiar with and which has spread to neighboring countries, Ghana is a dream destination. The country is pretty much secure everywhere, and you can travel freely just taking the...

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A Comprehensive Guide to Visas in West Africa

A Comprehensive Guide to Visas in West Africa

For overland travelers planning on visiting multiple countries in West Africa, organizing visas is often the biggest logistical headache. Visa policies are asymmetric and often vary from embassy to embassy. In one country, the Ghanaian embassy may not grant you a visa...

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Getting from Morocco to Mauritania

Getting from Morocco to Mauritania

Yes, Morocco is North Africa, but it’s certainly relevant to West Africa travels because it offers the only overland route here from Europe. Passing through Western Sahara and into Mauritania puts you firmly in West African territory, and you can go where you need...

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