About You
We’ve told you about us. Now it’s time to find out about you. The truth is, our trips are not for everyone. Please read the following to see whether or not traveling with us is your kind of adventure.
Before we talk about your actual abilities on a motorbike we want to mention a bit about the kind of person who joins our adventures. Our primary philosophy is that we want to share some of the experience we have gained over our years of living and travelling around West Africa. The team at Scoot West Africa want to travel with people who are patient, who are willing to take their time and have a desire to immerse themselves in the local surroundings and cultures.
Our key word is Respect. We expect you to be someone that will respect yourself and your travelling partners. You will always be considerate of the local people who are sharing their environment with us.
We have no age limits. You need to have a driver’s license. You need to be in decent physical shape. We do not spend long days in the saddle but we are riding scooters and at times camping in the bush.
If you managed to safely scoot around Thailand or on holiday in Croatia for example, then you most probably have the skills to join us. The most important thing is you need to know how to handle a motorbike. West Africa is not the place to be learning how to ride. We mostly travel on roads with not a lot of traffic. However, there is all manner of other issues to deal with including sharing the road with animals and children walking to school. Not to mention also trying to ride the bike safely whilst taking in the awesome scenery.
You most certainly do not need to be a hardcore motorcycle tourer. We travel slowly and take in the sights. If you are the sort of person that can ride a motorcycle on its back wheel with no hands and your eyes shut then of course you will manage the trip with us. BUT……. If you are the sort of person who will do such a thing on our trips then we do not want you to book. The focus on these adventure tours is low impact tourism so we always do our best to keep a low profile.
Finally, this adventure is not an ego trip, a race, a rally or a stunt show! It’s a chance to see an amazing corner of our ever-shrinking world at your own pace.